
Mini-Exhibition on the History of Dogs

Látogatható2024. 09. 03. 18:20 HelyszínEN Látogatási idő15 perc

Over the past millennia, the relationship between humans and their best friend, the dog, has undergone significant changes. From wild wolves, these domesticated animals gradually became companions to humans. Different peoples and cultures have had varying attitudes toward dogs, making the relationship between humans and dogs incredibly diverse and multifaceted.

In recent decades, archaeological excavations have unearthed a large number of dog bones and artifacts depicting dogs. These objects tell stories about the connection between the two species.

Our mini-exhibition, in conjunction with the Wild Game Stew and Wine Festival in Zalaegerszeg, seeks to answer the following questions:

  • How did cooperation between humans and dogs develop? What were the milestones in this relationship?
  • Man’s best friend or a valuable source of meat?
  • What do archaeological findings reveal about the relationship between humans and dogs?

Open for only two days

The mini-exhibition will be open to visitors on September 7 and 8, 2024, during the opening hours of the Göcsej Museum.

Guided Tours

Guided tours will be organized for the exhibition on September 7, 2024, at 2:00 PM and on September 8, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Participation in the guided tours is free of charge and does not require registration.

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Mini-Exhibition on the History of Dogs
Klinger László (Magyar) közönségkapcsolati osztályvezető EN