
Recognition - Andrea Dömötör received the Szentmihályi Imre Award

Dátum2024. október 14. Olvasási idő2 perc The other day, we presented the Szentmihályi Imre Award during an in-house ceremony.

The Szentmihályi Imre Award can be received each year by a colleague who has worked at the museum for at least ten years and has contributed to raising the institution’s standards through their professional work. A special feature of the award is that it is the staff community who votes for the person to receive the honor in the current year.

This year, the colleagues decided that Andrea Dömötör, a collection manager, would receive the plaque created by ceramic artist János Németh. We wholeheartedly congratulate our colleague!

The award ceremony was preceded by a speech from Director General Bálint Havasi and a greeting from Scientific Director László Kostyál, as well as three professional reports. In the recent period, some of the museum’s staff participated in conferences and study tours. Colleagues had the opportunity to hear illustrated reports about their experiences. Archaeologist Lívia Simmer attended an international archaeology conference in Rome in August, Scientific Director László Kostyál spent a few days in Northern Italy and Switzerland, and Communication Officer Krisztina Szényi participated in a five-day cultural study tour in Turkey in May.

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Recognition - Andrea Dömötör received the Szentmihályi Imre Award
Dr. Kostyál László PhD tudományos-igazgat EN

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Hír (Magyar) Átadtuk a Szentmihályi Imre-díjat

(Magyar) Átadtuk a Szentmihályi Imre-díjat

2022. 07. 06.
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